Copy of About Us



We have both been gluten free for almost 10 years now (before you were able to find a gluten free meal in a restaurant). Oh, how things have changed!

We both follow a gluten free diet for different reasons. Deb was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease which is a thyroid autoimmune disease and Tina was diagnosed with SIBO and histamine intolerance. After doing a lot of research on how we could help ourselves heal, we decided to start with food. Afterall, food is medicine! We decided to follow a gluten free diet and haven't looked back! We’ll be honest, it wasn’t easy in the beginning because gluten free resources weren’t readily available in 2013 but with new products and resources, things have become much easier, especially for someone just starting out on their gluten free journey.

Together we came up with some tasty recipes (Tina likes the easier ones while Deb will tackle the harder ones) that we want to share with you. As the years went by, we realized that there wasn’t anything that we really missed in the gluten world (other than a really good donut) and that the food we made was delicious!

We will continually be adding to this website so please check back often for new recipes and new blogs about health and wellness. We would also love to hear from you so please email us anytime at even if it is just to say hi!


Deb and Tina XOXO